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如何使用Artec开云体育官方首页登录入口 制作内衣 - WIRED

今年10月,所有WIRED杂志的英国读者都阅读了如何使用Artec开云体育官方首页登录入口 进行身体扫描并设计生产内衣的文章。点击下面英国WIRED的网站链接可以阅读全文。

If your underwear fits, you may want to thank Artec. The company makes laser scanners that turn real-world objects into accurate computer representations — and lingerie designers are using it to map the female form. The handheld scanner beams a grid of light on to the body and a camera captures pattern changes as the device is moved. A computer analyses 500,000 surface points per second and creates a 3D shape. But it’s not all corsetry; the Luxembourg-based firm also sells the $15,000 (£9,000) scanners to engineers and excavators. «In Europe, archaeologists have two options if they unearth something," explains Artec’s CMO Sergey Suhovey, 34. «They can put it in official storage or put it back in the exact same position." Scanning dig sites creates a precise map of where objects were found.

相关链接: http://www.wired.co.uk/magazine/archive/2011/10/start/the-scanner-that-built-a-bra
