3D scanning solutions

How Artec 3D is supporting Ukraine

Head of Editorial

Loretta Marie Perera


Loretta Marie Perera, known to most as Rett, has been a writer for most of her life. What started as birthday card poetry and primary school compositions progressed to a career in advertising where she worked as a creative copywriter in her hometown, Singapore, a lifestyle reporter in Beijing, China, and then a journalist in Moscow, Russia.

As one of Artec 3D’s senior editors, Rett works with a team of writers as well as social media, video, and digital marketing departments to create a rich mix of content that absolutely deserves your attention. She also keeps Artec’s PR agencies updated on these stories, and makes sure they’re getting the attention they deserve. Besides editing and coordinating, she enjoys talking to and writing about a variety of people and their adventures with 3D scanning – ranging from scanning people’s faces for customized healthcare solutions, art preservation, accessibility, and lots more.

In the night and early morning, however, Rett also continues to work on her own creative projects, which now include poetry, essays, and most of all, her first work-in-progress novel, first conceptualized on a cold and unfamiliar winter’s morning in Russia, tucked away at a tiny table in an old apartment — any writer could tell you, a more perfect setting to begin a novel would be hard to find.

Read more of her work here, and follow her on Twitter or Instagram for more.

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Case studies
Reverse engineering with Artec Eva helps build landing gear doors of Italian 1955 Falco airplane

Reverse engineering with Artec Eva helps build landing gear doors of Italian 1955 Falco airplane

Using Artec Eva to reverse engineer landing gear doors for a classic 1950s plane.

Case studies
Body scanning with Artec Eva

Artec Eva gets up close with facial paralysis and the emotions that lie behind it

Using Artec Eva scans to explore the faces of people with facial paralysis, combining the medical industry, art, and technology for a deeper understanding.

Case studies
Dutch-Chinese history comes to life as Artec Eva and Space Spider help recreate 17th-century ceramics

Dutch-Chinese history comes to life as Artec Eva and Space Spider help recreate 17th-century ceramics

In the city of Delft, The Netherlands, a designer works with Delft University to recreate 17th-century Chinese porcelain and produce new work based on centuries-old designs.
