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医疗健康领域的开云体育官方首页登录入口 开云体育手机版登入 科技

开云体育官方首页登录入口 开云体育手机版登入 仪便携、安全、适用领域广泛,被医护工作者广泛应用于定制矫形器械、符合人体工学的假肢、背部支架、种植牙、进行测量等各种场景。了解专家如何借助开云体育官方首页登录入口 开云体育手机版登入 仪为患者或人体部位制作精准的3D模型,全方位了解医疗领域中的开云体育手机版登入 科技。

Artec 3D scanning applications in healthcare
Neut medical corsets
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Artec Eva and Artec Space Spider help restore confidence in breast cancer survivors
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Using Artec Eva Lite to improve the lives of people with disabilities
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Helping Mimi breathe, with Artec Space Spider
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Using Artec Eva to make hyper-realistic dummies for Covid-19 medical training
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Creating custom 3D-printed children’s helmets at Cerebra with Artec Eva
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Creating a thought-controlled, 3D-printed bionic arm with Artec Eva
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Creating optimal orthotics and prosthetics with Artec Eva and Spider
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Artec Eva helps create low-cost, 3D-printed prostheses in Guatemala
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3D dental scanner Artec Space Spider - how to give dental implant patients their perfect smiles
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Creating perfectly fitting custom orthotics with Artec Eva in 90% less time
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Plastic surgeon uses Artec Eva to show patients their future faces
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Artec Eva for precisely measuring shifts in facial soft tissues
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Using 3D scanning and printing to help children with ear deformities
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Now you can download and print digitally-precise 3D bones and internal organs
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Injured toucan gets his 3D printed beak and starts singing again
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