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Artec 3D scanning applications in art and design
Artec Eva helps shrink down Stan Lee and other celebrities into mini figurines
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Artec Eva helps the blind to “see” ancient artifacts
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Artec 3D scanning technology recreates dinosaurs in Jurassic World
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Scanning Arnold Schwarzenegger for the movie Terminator Genisys
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Artec Eva helps create a 3D model of a 4-meter-tall Napoleon on horseback monument
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FC Bayern Munich defender David Alaba 3D scanned for a trophy
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Creating hyper-realistic 3D digital models from a military museum
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Visual effects
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Digital preservation of ancient Greek silverware with Artec Spider
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3D scanning the bust of Sir John Soane with Artec Eva and Spider
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German fashion designer uses Artec Eva to bring her vision to life
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Special Effects in the movie industry
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Deer antlers
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Renault classic cars
阅读时间 6 分钟
25 - 48 个/ 48 个项