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3D scanning the largest natural sciences collection in Europe with Artec Eva
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Artec Space Spider scans gigantic 150-million-year-old Stegosaurus skeleton
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Artec Space Spider breathes life into medical school dissections
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Revealing the face of Britain's first man with Artec Space Spider
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Creating an ultra-detailed 3D/CT-scanned model of an ancient Egyptian mummy
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3D scanning a giant 66-million-year-old T-Rex skeleton
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Bringing Swiss wooden sculptures to life with Artec Eva
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Using Artec 3D scanning technology to keep Dutch Royal Navy ships in ideal condition
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3D scanning tested against photography in a study on forensic methods
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Plastic surgeon uses Artec Eva to show patients their future faces
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3D VFX experts used Eva & Spider to develop a Sleepy Hollow character
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Artec Eva for precisely measuring shifts in facial soft tissues
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97 - 120 个/ 172 个项