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WRL 3D模型

Artec 3D科技扫描制作
Leo HD
Bobcat skid-steer loader

这台热门款多功能滑移装载机由Artec Leo在90分钟内捕获,3D分辨率高。

Eva HD
Industrial compressor HD

Whether intended for reverse engineering or quality inspection, this impressive 3D printable model of compressor would easily fit the bill.

Eva HD
Lobster HD

Every stretch of salty exoskeleton, legs, and antennae has been lovingly captured in high-resolution color 3D and reborn in the digital realm.

Eva HD
Metal table HD

Have a look at each angle of this 3D model and notice how well everything has been captured — from its finest details to its texture, its ornamental design, and its altogether exquisite appearance.

Eva HD
Motorcycle cylinder head HD

Effectively 3D scanning such a diminutive 6" × 6" × 4"(15 cm × 15 cm × 10 cm) powerhouse, with its diverse and sundry assemblage of parts, is a formidable challenge for a quality inspection or reverse engineering workflow.

Leo HD
Motorcycle engine cover HD

Have a good look around this model and have a look at the lines, the details, the form, and the fact that the 3D model represents the original object with astounding accuracy.

Leo HD
Motorcycle frame HD

Just a few minutes of scanning was enough to capture a significant portion of the frame’s geometry for a vivid example of what HD Mode is all about.

Eva HD
Motorcycle wheel HD

Scanned with Artec Eva, two common scanning challenges were overcome: Black surfaces, and shiny objects.

Eva HD
Ornate wooden doors HD

These elaborately-crafted wooden doors were scanned with an Eva in merely a handful of minutes. Since the resulting 3D model was destined for use in a movie, the doors’ many intricate carvings needed to pass close visual inspection.

Leo HD
Wooden chair HD

The chair’s crisp edges along its cross rails, legs, and stiles, together with its precise interfaces among components, called for a high degree of precision.

Eva HD


Eva HD
Human skeleton HD

